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Showing posts from January, 2018

Contemporary media regulation

Now that there are all different forms of media avalisble in the world such as magazines, video games, music videos, films and tv programmes they all need to be regulated before being published to the public and cinema is regulated by the BBFC. Regulation is important since it lets people know what kind of content is within a certain media before viewing it, therefore people can decide whether it is suitable for them or not especially young children. Also, a lot must be taken in consideration in regards to who should regulate the media and one, the opinion should not be biased, two there must also be multiple opinions, three all different people's beliefs and values should be taken into account so the media regulation suits everyone and four there should be a sense of equality. There are also many reasons for regulation, as regulation helps narros down ages of audiences and stops young children from watching things that include illegal criminal activity. Moreover, it protects immor...