The Technology used in today's world is completely different and much more advanced than ever before, the technology we use allows us to carry out more complex actions and the new apps that have been developed help us especially in the media, with the editing and production of films and everything else. For example, olden day movies used to be shot on monologue cameras which could not pan, track, tilt or zoom, this all had to be done manually. However today, it is even possible to shoot footage on our phones, since the camera quality has become so much more clear. Therefore, there is barely a limit to the creativity we can explore today, than there was 50 years ago.
As for intertextuality, this idea comes from the saying of making something new out of something old, people are able to take ideas and concepts from different and existing media texts in order to try and create something modern that still has elements of the past. In simple terms, this idea can be seen as "copying", however it is the production of a reinvented idea that makes this act creative; which Bentley insisted on greatly. An example of this, could be the soundtrack of our trailer, as within it, includes around 7 different sounds that have all been taken individually and molded together in order to create a new and original soundtrack for our trailer.
Furthermore, there is no originality needed in order for something to be creative, since everything is made to serve a different purpose, everything is made by different people, with different products and with different meanings in mind. An example of this, includes how I produced my Pop music magazine in AS, I had had in my head an idea of how I wanted my magazine to look like, so in order to achieve this, I placed an existing pop magazine next to the one I was producing and took elements and a simple basic plan of it towards my own. Therefore, I was still creating a new product, however I have just almost reinvented someone else's.
By producing something in itself, is already a creative act as it involves bringing something into physical existence that was not already here before. This idea revolves all around the concept of post-modernism as it discusses the large reaction of
the current reality of today. Due to the fact that I live in the centre of London, I able to visit many more places than someone such as derelict buildings, old churches, isolated parks all to create a larger effect on my horror trailer and keep up with the rest of the horror genre today. This could not be done without access to these places, therefore creativity is also based on the location you live too.
In conclusion, I believe I have come a long way since the start of my course as I have gained all new skills that I did not have before, I have learnt about the research and planning of a task is the key to a successful media product and I have also discovered how to use the new and updated softwares which give my media products an edge to someone who does not have the access or knowledge to be able to use them.
Digital Technology is any software for programming, producing or editing that allows us to be creative in the making of media. These digital technologies can include websites, such as weebly and blog creating, final cut on iMacs to edit movies, photo altering and editing programmes such as photoshop and many more. Each digital technology is unique in it's own way and the cross use of technology can help to create extreme advanced and complex products. From this, digital technology allows us as individuals to be ome the producer and we no longer have to rely on companies to make something worthwhile. In my AS year of college, I did not have an advanced idea on how to use many different technologies for example, i could only use weebly and simple ideas on Indesign to create a blog and a music magazine which my blog research related to. Even though I live in world where we are surrounded by technology, I could only successfully and creatively use technologies such as my own camera, o...
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